Bright white raiment
Bright white raiment, joy of heaven
fit for life, our needs, the world;
grace-made robes, divinely woven,
lit from your pure glory's folds.
On my chest and on my forehead
you have marked me by your hand;
by your passion you have wrapped me
with your peace, in Jesu's name.
Jesus, you put on my garment;
on the cross you carried all.
Now I'm raised with you in glory
in the robe which covers all.
Kristin Reitan (Kvite klede) 2006
Translated: Anne and
Mark Russell-Smith 2012.
After this I looked
and there was a vast host
that no one could count
out of all nations
and tribes
and peoples
and tongues,
standing before the throne
and before the Lamb,
clothed in white robes
and with palm branches
in their hands.
And they shouted
with a loud voice:
"Salvation is due
to our God,
who is seated
on the throne,
and to the Lamb.
Adressing me,
one of the elders
then asked,
who are wearing
white robes,
who are they
and from where
have they come?"
I said to him,
"Sir, you know.
"Then he told me,
"These are the ones
who have come out of
the great tribulation,
and they have washed
their robes
and have made them
in the blood of the Lamb.
For this reason they are
before God's throne,
and day and night
they serve Him
in His temple.
Revelation 7.9-10
and 13-15.
Blessed be the God
and Father
of our Lord
Jesus Christ,
who has blessed us
in Christ
with every
spiritual blessing
in the heavenly places,
even as he
chose us
in him
before the
of the world,
that we should be holy
and blameless
before him.
He destined us
in love
to be his sons
Jesus Christ,
according to
the purpose
of his will,
to the praise
of his glorious
which he
bestowed on us
in the Beloved.
In him we have
his blood,
the forgiveness
of our trespasses,
according to
the riches
of his grace
which he
upon us.
For he has
made known to us
in all wisdom
and insight
the mystery
of his will,
according to
his purpose
he set forth
in Christ
as a plan
for the fulness
of time,
to unite
all things
in him,
in heaven
and things
in earth.
Ephesians 1.3-10.
And you
he made alive,
when you
were dead
through the
and sins
in which
you once walked,
the course
of this world,
the prince
of the power
of the air,
the spirit that
is now at work
in the sons of
Among these
we all once lived
in the passions
of our flesh,
the desires
of body
and mine,
and so we were
by nature
children of
like the rest
of mankind.
But God,
who is rich
in mercy,
out of the
great love
with which
he loved us,
even when
we were dead
through our
made us alive
together with
(by grace
you have been
and raised us up
with him,
and made us sit
with him
in the heavenly places
in Christ Jesus,
that in
the coming ages
he might show
of his grace
in kindness
toward us
in Christ Jesus.
For by grace
you have been
through faith;
and this is not
your own
it is
the gift of God
not because
of works,
lest any man
should boast.
Ephesians 2.2--
For freedom
Christ has
set us free;
stand fast
and do not
submit again
to a yoke
of slavery.
Now I, Paul,
say to you
that if you receive
Christ will be
of no advantage
of you.
I testify again
to every man
who receive
that he is bound
to keep
the whole law.
You are severed
from Christ,
you who would
be justified by
by the law;
you have
fallen away
from grace.
For through
the Spirit,
by faith,
we wait
for the hope
of righteousness.
Galatians 5.1-5.
Blessed are those
who wash their robes,
that they may
have the right to
the tree of life
and that they
may enter the city
by the gates.
Outside are
the dogs and
and fornicators
and murderers
and idolaters,
and every one
who loves
and practises
"I Jesus
have sent
my angel to you
with this testimony
for the churces.
I am the root
and the offspring
of David,
the bright
morning star."
The Spirit
and the Bride
And let him
who hears say,
And let him
who is thirsty
let him
who desires
take the water
of life
without price."
Revelation 22.14--
Jesus is our